Personal Narrative Essay

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Supposedly Smart “Nope, that’s wrong. Come on, you know this. The question isn’t that hard,” she grumbled in frustration. “Who’s next?” I squirmed in my seat, feeling her eyes wander past me, then back again. Don’t pick me, don’t pick me. “Lily.” And she had to pick me. Great. Everyone in the class looked at me. “Explain the events of the Big Bang up until the arrival of water on Earth.” I looked up at the board, the deep blue screen with the question projected onto it. The golden words glared at me as I processed the question and the brown border on the slide was crisp and sharp, just like her gaze that had landed on me. I cracked my knuckles nervously, turning to my group for answers, but all I saw were their blank stares. “Uh…” Why do teachers always pick me when I don’t know the answer? My day started out okay, pretty normal, nothing out of the ordinary. I breezed through all my earlier classes, began my homework, and even ran the mile, but …show more content…

“You can pack up now, but remember, for homework you have to finish your Big Bang Essay and study for the test on Friday.” A test on Friday? Why would anyone want to ruin a perfectly good Friday? The volume of the class suddenly increased as everyone started packing up their notebooks and pencil pouches and discussing the final question at the end. “You should have been able to answer that question, you know,” a boy at my table announced loudly, “you’re Asian. You should be smart.” “Well you didn’t know the answer either,” I retorted, rolling my eyes, “and you’re Asian too.” I used his words against him, even though I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. He shrugged, “but you’re supposed to be smart.” “Whatever.” I grabbed my stuff and left the table, not saying another word, and went to find someone to talk to. I walked over to Emily, who had heard my previous

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