Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming

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Have you ever been scared or afraid about trying or doing something new; I have. Swimming has always been a fun, exciting and enjoyable activity and hobby I enjoy doing a lot. On a sunny and warm Saturday afternoon. My mom and I went to an indoor pool in California called the Hayward Plunge. I was having so much fun until my mom asked me to take the 11ft deep swimming test. I was so afraid of the test that I went pale.

After paying at the cash register and changing into our bathing suits, I carefully walked up the red flight of slippery stairs to get to the swimming pool. After dropping off my backpack and taking off my slippers, I slowly walked into the freezing and cool water. As I dropped into the depth of the water, my body had goosebumps all over my arms. I was shocked at the temperature of the water on such a hot day. I started swimming laps after laps. I was having so much fun until the head lifeguard yelled, "SWIM TEST!" I didn't think much about the swim test because I have never thought about taking it. I swam up to my mom and then she told me to go try to take the swim test. I didn't want to go take the swim test that was eleven feet deep; I could drown. …show more content…

As I swam to the side of the swimming pool, I thought about the test more and more. What was there to lose I thought. As long as I'm safe I might as well do it. After a long five minutes of careful thought, I finally decided that today was going to be the day that I conquer the fear I had of the swim

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