Personal Narrative Essay: A Joyful Moment In My Life

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A Joyful Moment

As a young child, my mother had always bought me the best shoes and shirts. Every year when it is school time I will always see yellow and vibrant back to school poster. I knew it was my time to get new school clothes. I would always choose the fanciest and the most expensive clothes there is around town. There was never a time when I had any pass downs from my brother. Then I notice that my mom had never bought any new clothes for herself.
I realized that my mother never had any new clothes. She always wanted what was best for us and never regretted buying us new clothes instead of buying her own clothes. All her clothes she bought came either from Goodwill or a garage sale. I was determined to buy her a dress that summer. …show more content…

I was looking on how much a women’s dress cost. During my findings, I found that women’s clothing is expensive but it was no problem at all. During the summer, I found a job at an ice cream parlor not what I expected to be my first job but it was better than anything. I mean it was my first job and I had no job experience.
During my time working there I scooped ice cream and cut fruits and it was not that bad at first.
Then one day the phone had ringed and it was my boss… he never called me unless it was an emergency. As I answered the phone call my heart was beating fast like a mocking bird flying in the air. When I put the phone to my ear he told me that my coworker called in sick and I was

going to be the only one working there. I would like to mention the only people working at the ice cream parlor was me and my coworker and he called in sick. I was devastated. It was a
Sunday when he called in sick and it was one of our busiest day of the week. No one, just me working at the ice cream parlor all by myself. When I returned to the phone my boss told me I would be getting a raised and he would pay me fifty cents extra added to my hourly wage. I …show more content…

I was jaded of all the over swamped of people and all I could think about was my mom and how happy she would be. I was determined to face the customers and give them the best customer serves I could to give them. I was worn out by the end of the day and all my hard work would pay off. By the end of the week, I had a massive paycheck and I was ready to buy my mom the most magnificent dress.
The next morning, I took my mom to Tyler so I could go “shopping” for my school clothes. Little did she know that it was her that I was shopping for. As we were walking into the mall she glanced to her right and told me that is a nice dress in that store. I then said let us go in just to look around. Once I saw the store it was elegant and modish. My mom was nervous to go inside she told me that she had never been inside a store so modern and fancy. I had persuaded her to go in. When we walked in we were greeted by an elderly lady. I told her that my mom loved that dress in the window and if she could try it on. She said yes and guided my mom to the fitting room. Once I saw her in the vibrant blue dress she looked so spectacular. I could see that my mom was joyous by her facial expression. When I went to go pay for her dress I could

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