Personal Narrative: Drunk Driver's Death

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Even with a one hour time difference, three o’clock in the morning is never a good time to wake up to a phone call from your best friends’ mother. I will never forget the sound of her voice, scratchy and hushed from what I later learned was hours of crying, as she told me that my best friend had been in a serious car accident, caused by a drunk driver. I had no idea when I hugged her goodbye in the airport a month prior that it would be for the last time. Unfortunately, I am not alone in this experience. In 2016, a life was taken every 50 minutes by a drunk driver, totaling more than 10,000 by the end of the year. This tragic epidemic is sweeping the nation, instilling fear in the heart of every parent as they watch their children get behind …show more content…

In any one night any man can go into a bar and drink about a million beers until he can barely remember his name or how to walk without tripping over the air in front of him, let alone that he has to stop at a stop sign or watch out for pedestrians . As he walks out to his car and get behind the wheel, the little sixteen year old girl going out for groceries is the least of his concerns. An intoxicated person will never stop themselves from driving, so it is the job of the responsible members of society to stop them. My proposal is that the United States passes a law that forces car manufacturers to make cars with an ignition that spins and moves around. Under those conditions, it would be nearly impossible for an intoxicated person to insert the key. This method would effectively eliminate the possibility of any inebriated person operating a …show more content…

First, any alcoholic would be disgusted to see the measures being taken against them. Although the plan does not restrict the consumption of alcohol, most of the serial consumers do not have the amount of brain cells left that are required to make that distinction. For this reason, alcoholics may see my plan as a personal attack on their lifestyles. Unfortunately for them, I see their poor judgement calls as an attack on my life and the lives of the people that I care about. Another opponent of this ingenious plan would be the car manufacturers who would have to start making new ignition systems for their latest models and install the system into every car already on the roads. The last and most unintentional opponent to my plan would be the people who do not drink and drive but have shaky hands which would cause them to have difficulty starting their cars. Obviously, this inconvenience is more severe than the loss of thousands of lives . The advantages of the plan far outweigh the complaints of the opponents. One obvious advantage is that the deterrents in place would result in a significant decrease in intoxicated drivers. Additionally, the serial drunk drivers who end up not being able to drive as a result of the law would be forced to use public transportation which would cut down on carbon emission. As it turns out, the restriction of freedom is actually beneficial to the

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