Personal Narrative: Dragons

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Dragons are not real, however they really do live within us. They do not breathe fire or have scaly skin, but they do get beneath our skin and into our minds. Everyone has a dragon, some are very obedient and well trained, while others cannot be tamed. My dragon was once defiant, and failed to listen. His name is Bad Work Ethic. When I was younger I did not work hard for anything I received. At my youth, I was very fortunate. Success came easy to me in the classroom and as an athlete. This affected my ego tremendously. My mindset was I had no reason to work hard if I was already on top. I made good grades, and most dominate player on sports teams. I was cruising while other kids my age were working harder than me to be at my level. My early success blocked me from visualizing how much better I could be. I constantly compared myself to my peers. I later realized I needed to compare myself against myself. Myself today needed to be better than myself yesterday. This would be the only way for me to continue my success route. …show more content…

In middle school was when I decided I wanted to play collegiate basketball. My dream was to accept a scholarship to the school of my choice. My parents always taught me school comes first, and one day the basketball will stop bouncing. I will need a college degree and a real job. I decided to study harder to make all A’s my 8th grade year. On the basketball side, I got to the gym before anyone else, and left after everyone else. In the extra time I worked on the form of my shot, ball handling, and conditioning. I began playing with girls 2 years older than

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