Personal Narrative-Divorce

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Minuscule parts and scraps—all coalesce, over and over repeatedly until my mind eventually recognizes the ‘old telephone' alarm, following around the same tune as the ever-going structure being built in my dreams. I always heard the cliché quote, “you dream what you love, and love what you do”, but seldom had I thought I’d genuinely be seeing the nuts and bolts, loose in my minds’ late-night obscurities; so I just went with it. However, I didn’t just go with it; I immersed myself in it. To clarify, I’ve always preferred the water to land, with a special interest in those ‘small cities out in the water’ that lit up the vast ocean at night. Every summer, pre-divorce, my family would make the six-hour venture to Surfside Beach, Texas, where everyday I would repeatedly ask my dad to take me out to those ‘cities’ in the water, to which I learned their true purpose. …show more content…

Eventually he piled six of those bedeviling college textbooks into my arms and told me to start reading, “because if you cannot finish these books and stay up till three a.m. perfectly aligning your lines with the geometric patters covering the earth, you can’t do it”. Newly established, stepfather, I entail; meaning I had not one clue if he was being sarcastic or not—so I just read. I never quite knew what I wanted to do as an adult, but when I discovered building art studios or Château style houses with computer software was my preferred Friday Night Lights, I was enraged. Oddly enough, I convinced

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