Personal Narrative: Dionysus

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An unexpected blizzard last Friday forced me to alter my itinerary and take refuge at the Over the Edge Hotel. Moments after checking in, I discover the Hotel’s Hideaway bar and then ordered a Burgundy. Then sauntered to the secluded inglenook and sat down, at the same time as a nonagenarian eased himself into an overstuffed wingback chair opposite me. I noticed immediately his extremely long, vivid white hair and beard, the twisted walking stick inlaid with precious gemstones that aided his gait and the opulent cloak, worn across his narrow shoulders, which swept the floor gracefully. I sit there in a pair of skinny jeans, loafers without socks, and a sweatshirt with a small hole in the sleeve desperately trying not to stare at the elderly dude. The old fellow sometime later, …show more content…

I asked why he had chosen Dionysus rather than Bacchus. He studied me then declared Dionysus, the Greek deity of wine had overall more panache than the drunken sour grape Roman god Bacchus did. I laugh and briefly share my fascination of the Immortals, in addition, I told him I still sought answers to several questions concerning them. Gradually Didget raised an overgrown eyebrow, pressed his thin lips firmly together, then nods numerous times before asking, what questions begged answering. Acknowledgedly confessed there were only three questions. What was their authentic origin? What triggered their expulsion? What happened to them once they lost their status within society? Didget, in time leans towards me, whispers, something about twelve Gatekeepers, and by hereditary right, he has been one for the past seventy years. He chuckled and joked, the term Gatekeeper was misleading, because he wasn’t the keeper of any gates, in fact he was a troubleshooter for the Immortals. Consequently, I experienced an enormous cognitive hiccup because his utterance was preposterous and then it might be the epitome of

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