Personal Narrative: Deer Hunting

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The back door flew open freely with a bang, the screen door had already blown away, then the front door flew open, then the windows began crashing one by one. We were under attack though I couldn’t quite understand why. We were good people who did good things, yet Mother Nature seemed to think we deserved this. In retrospect, I suppose we should have seen this coming. On the evening of Sunday June 2nd we sat around the living room. My mother knitting, my father reading the paper, I and my brothers playing cards, and my sisters braiding each other’s hair. The TV was tuned to the news channel so as to bring some noise into the room. “The air outside is getting cooler, tomorrow will be a good day for deer hunting,” said my father. “Why is that?” piped my oldest sister. “It’s because when a cold front comes through to deer start to move around again,” explained father. Suddenly the TV weatherman began to shout, “The system previously believed to be uninfluential has taken a turn for the worse. We can expect to see heavy rain and high winds with this one. This may be a good opportunity to review your family’s storm safety …show more content…

The ceiling had begun to leak and there were large puddles of water in many divers places. All the family was shouting: from the oldest to me, the youngest. The whole experience was quite deafening, to be honest. We came together and huddled in the hall bathroom, the centermost point of the house, praying and hoping and listening. The listening had to be the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a while. Everywhere could be heard sounds of destruction and rampage. The elements were sent to us to punish us in some way, which way I did not know. When the doors began flying open and off of their hinges and the windows began crashing in, I knew we were done for. In all the commotion, could one truth be understood: this was the

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