Personal Narrative

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If time could stand still or even go back I would make it so I never moved and to be back with him. I miss his short blonde hair and his bright blue eyes. My names Dakota I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I used to live in California till I moved to Moscow due to my families issues in California. Let’s rewind time to before I moved so I can tell you my story. I walk into class on the first day back from summer break. I walk over to my locker and see that my boyfriend Jake standing with his obey sweater on leaning on my locker smirking at me. I run over and jump on him because I haven’t seen him most of the summer because he was either traveling or working with his dad. While I was hugging him he whispered in my ear, “Hey baby how was your summer? Sorry I was so busy I promise I'll make it up to you.” …show more content…

I’m just happy you’re here now.” I say as a smile creeps onto my face. The bell soon rings and we all head to our classes. I have science which is my least favorite subject. As I sit in class all I hear are whispers and gossiping, Then I heard my name get brought up. So I turn around and they are all laughing. I look down and turn to face the board again. I felt hurt and wanted to cry, I had no idea what they were talking about but it couldn’t be good. At the end of the day I walk up to Jake and tell him what I heard. He hugged me and offered to take me out, but I declined his offer because I just wanted to go home and go to

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