Personal Narrative: Black Holes

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It was roughly four days since the disastrous get together at the lake. I remember all the party animals drinking and dancing near the campfire. My three brothers and I were trying to avoid mostly everyone. Puke was along the lines from drinking too much, even the people drinking “water” although everyone was enjoying themselves at the very least. Four days passing, a simple college party at the lake, people had fallen, and the bad thing about that is that I new the that the party would turn to the worse. All of my brothers had killed them, pools upon pools of blood. Their body parts were broken apart one by one. With all the puke that was once from the ground had turned into death. “Jeffrey, I know you don’t like these kinds of things, but …show more content…

I walked in, to find a place to quickly hid and I did. It was in small fit inside a kitchen cabinet under the sink. There was a small hole I could look through. I heard the front door open and quickly shut. I prayed that those killers, whom I could no longer call a brother, would never find me. I heard heavy breathing, but not a single word. They were panicking and out of breathe, running towards one of the bedrooms. I was shocked, I didn’t know there was someone who was able to escape those heathens, but then I realized I was one of them. I told them about the party, and they started to plan about killing everyone, I said nothing to the police and it was my fault. Then the door was swoon open again, and I knew, that was my brother. He yelled out that the others had left from the woods and searching for not me but someone else. I’ve only heard footsteps afterwards and I could see someone sprint toward the living room and got an object, which looked like a radio. I was sure that my brother was knocked out since, the person who had the radio was talking with someone for at least 20 minutes and then ran out the door. So, I went out of my hiding spot, and quickly ran to the door, but it …show more content…

I aim the gun at his face and shot it. Although, it only scratched his face since I was too scared to aim correctly, and ran into the woods as fast as I could. He started to chase me and shoot at me. I seemed to have lost him since he had lost faith in me and chased the witness. “Although, I kept on running because I was not sure, and you tackled me, sheriff. Lock me up, I do not care, I am not a murderer.” I said to the sheriff in the closeted room. “Then, where are your brothers?” “Gone, I do not know.” “Oh, but you see, you said you were listening on their plan did you not? They were sure to have said and exit point.” “Not to me, I was the coward in the group.” “Ah, alright. You guys take him.” He said to the two cops once he went outside the room. The witness scorned at me as I was escorted out of the room and justice was never

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