Personal Narrative Analysis

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A simple event can turn a person’s life upside down for the better or for the worse. It can maybe even go as long as changing lives forever or changing lives as short as 30 minutes. There was a time that an event in my life impacted me as a person. This experience was not one to forget.
June of 2013 was when my life shifted. My mother, sisters, and I went shopping throughout downtown. I recall it being extremely hot that afternoon. The road was so blistering that an egg could be fried right then and there. We hit my only favorite store downtown, “The Big Store.” Walking in, I remember my mom telling me, “Diana, today we are just going to look because the money in this card are for groceries.” But I didn’t listen because I was distracted by the beautiful, …show more content…

“Look mom, they’re so cute. Can I please get them.” I implored her as she was looking at the sweaters. She insisted that I should have listened to what she said when we walked in there but I wasn’t paying attention to what she said before. It was only a million times that I begged before I stopped because her answer was always no. I have to admit I was furious. I threw the shoes back on the shelf and stormed outside and got into the car slamming the door. I waited for my mom to come out. When she came out I saw her with a bag indicating that she bought something at the store. This made me peevish. As we were driving back home, I was shouted words and comments that have never came out through my mouth when I ever spoke to my mom. She bounced back with a comment that was the final straw of my anger. “If you actually weren’t lazy and did work around the house then maybe I would have bought them for you.” We were on the road that lead to our house. We stopped at a stop sign. Little did my mom know was that I opened the door when she halted at the stop sign. I didn’t have a seat belt on so as soon as I pulled the door handle and stood from my seat, I jumped out.

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