Personal Narrative: Abortion

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The room was dark and cold. I still recall the chills running down my spine. The walls in the room seem like a prison without bars and the room appear to be surrounded with demons eager to enjoy the great pain I was about to have. I still remember wanting to scream and shout “Stop! I don’t want to do this, is there any other choice besides the one I am about to do.” I could feel the presence of my controlling boyfriend telling me that society was going to judge and criticized me for being pregnant at a young age, and my family was going to be mad and ashamed of me. Therefore, I had no other choice than to have an abortion. As a young teen mother I was afraid, I was not aware that I had other choices besides having an abortion. I had many dreams …show more content…

My mom started to yell at me and tears roll down her cheeks. My dad just walked away and left to work. Once I call my boyfriend to tell him I was pregnant he got very angry and he began to yell at me he said, “You have to have an abortion.” I was very scared I did not know what to do. I had no support from my parents because they were upset at me. My parents did not talk to me for weeks. I felt like I was useless and ashamed of myself. I would cry alone asking God what should I do or I would talk to myself and ask God to help me. On January of 2017, I decide that the best decision was to have an abortion. On my way to Wichita, all I did was cry. I knew in my conscious that having an abortion was not right. However, all that came to my mind was about my family how they were going to be ashamed of me. I was being manipulated to do something I did not want to do. I could vividly see how people were going to point at me and my family for being a single mother. When I got to the clinic, the most frightful experience was seeing people outside and calling out names such us, “killer,” God is not going to forgive you, and that I was going to burn in hell. I was so scared I did not want to have an abortion. I felt like I had no power and everyone around me was controlling my life. After having the abortion, I felt angry towards my family and boyfriend because I did not have their support. I was upset

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