Personal Narrative: A Passion Woven To The Fabric Of My Being

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A Passion Woven to the Fabric of My Being I am a person with an abounding love in writing; It appealed to my interests, because it exploited and highlighted my strengths. In addition, I can also adress myself in an aesthetic and evocative way – a one-of-a-kind interaction that can only be expressed through writing. Above all, the readers can be both englightened and inspired by a well-written passage. These are only some of the countless wonders of writing. When did I start becoming immersed with it? What experience that convinced me that it has been my underlying passion all along? It all began during the last days of my senior year in highschool.

At that time, I was naive of what courses to choose in college; I became negligent. …show more content…

Moreover, the program also has myriads of codes to be typed as lenghty as a three paged article! Clearly, programming is both physically and mentally exhausting. Most of all, I never enjoyed the course – not even once.

With my deplorable experience, I came towards one of the life-changing lesson in my life: It doesn't matter how lucrative or scanty the wage of the person is. What's important is what a person feels towards his or her own work. Because when a person loves what he or she is doing, it will make his or her own task truly fulfilling and rewarding.

One example is the experience of my professor in Computing Fundamentals. He has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. However, despite his prestigious degree, he didn't pursue to become an engineer. Instead, he ended up teaching in the Engineering Department. Why? He answered: ”Teaching makes my work happy and fulfilling”. Clearly, based from his experience, it's not the income or salary that brings happiness. It's our passion that empowers us to continue and strive no matter how stenuous our work is. No doubt, my professor's experience strongly justified my conviction to shift on a course that is more appealing to my personality, and most importantly, to my

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