Personal Narrative

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As a child, I never even fathomed getting a real, paycheck granting job. The mere thought that I would have to do this someday overwhelmed me. At times I wondered if I could just stick with my $15.00 weekly allowance for mowing the lawn and washing the dishes for the rest of my life. I always figured that I would just stay young forever and never evolve into such a money hungry teenager. Going from elementary school to junior high school to eventually high school in what seemed like a blink of an eye, my responsibilities began to pile up. On my fifteenth birthday my parents subtly mentioned that I needed to begin looking for a job. The subtle mentions soon turned to nagging pressure to pursue my first “real” job. “Fine! I am going out and …show more content…

“Oh no, I knew I forgot something” I thought to myself in frustration. I did not even have a clue of what a resume was exactly. With a disappointed look on his face, the store manager and conductor of the interview sent me away without a start date to my first job. After criticizing my parents for not warning me to have a resume, I immediately began researching and studying in depth on how to create not only a resume but a resume that set me apart from the rest. I went on to pursue the job that I was rejected from in my first interview. Within a few weeks, I was back in their office being interviewed by the store manager once again. However, this time there was a much more positive outcome. I walked away with my first job and he even complimented my …show more content…

A great resume is ineffective if you are not motivated and determined. It is never easy to obtain a new job and you wl not land every job you pursue. Be prepared to fail as everyone does from one point or another in this process. The best a resume can do is help give you the greatest chance to land the job. You do not need an interview coming up to have a resume. It is important to have your personal resume ready for whenever the opportunity to use it may arise. An important trait to a quality resume is to have a plethora of prior academic and work experience and/or accomplishments. I recommend using Microsoft Word or programs like such in order to type the resume and documents pertaining to the

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