Personal Narrative

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Previously, When I got home I saw my brothers and sisters running and screaming, I thought they were just excited to see me. When I went inside I saw all our stuff packed in cardboard boxes. When I could find my words, I yelled,“Que esta pasando!”. My mom walked out of her room with tears down her face. “I’m sorry kids, but w-we have to move we can’t afford this place. We a-are all out of money and now we can’t live anywhere or pay for food or gas.”she sobbed. Me and my brothers and sisters stood there so scared and surprised we couldn’t move. We all stood there staring at mom and thinking where are we going to sleep and will we be safe? Ever since earlier, when mom told us that we are moving i've been thinking about Mr.Lema and the instrument lessons. Then I thought why don’t I go live with him? He is nice and friendly and I would be able to go to school still. …show more content…

The cops told me to come outside and go into their car. The cops eventually left with me after having a long conversation with Mr. Lema. During the car ride the cops talked to me about school and why I ran away and said i’m not going to jail ,but I am going to a thing they call “Interim Care” that is about 6 hours long. They said they will also need to get my finger print so they know that I ran away. After the six hour, thing they drove me back to the shack that we were staying in but when we got there no one was in there. We got in through one of the windows and saw their was nothing in the house, the house was completely empty. We checked every room every inch and crevice of the house but there was no one here. The cop said in a low voice, “ I’m sorry kid but you will have to live in a foster home. We will try to get a hold of your family, but for now you will have to live in a foster home.” I just stood there in disbelief, and he drove of to take me to the foster

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