Personal Narrative

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Moving from one place to another can be sad like winter, but it can also be spring. During spring, new plants sprout, just like friends. I lived in Hawaii for 5 years, and when I moved to Carlsbad, my feelings were a tangled slinky. It was hard for me, but I knew that my family was enduring the same hardships as me. My dad was losing his favorite surf spots, my mom was having to leave her close friends, and so was my sister, Nami. It all started the day my family received the horrible news from UCLA Hospital. My grandma had had a major heart attack. She recovered, but in a way, my parents’ minds did not. They were constantly worrying about my grandparents’ health. That got them to start thinking about the cons of living in such a breathtaking place where it is such a popular tourist destination. …show more content…

It was just an airport but I wanted it to be a jail. I would never be able to leave Hawaii. I dragged my feet during the short walk to our plane and I quietly sat down. As the plane took off, I watched Hawaii swing past me out of my window. The palm trees were like spikes of green swirling the brilliant blue sky into the color of a stormy sea. I saw this all at once and I took it in like I was never going to see this bunch of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In my mind, I promised myself that I would come back one day.l My eyes started to water and seeing this, my dad gently comforted me, “We’ll come back Kai.” I nodded and put my head down to

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