Personal Narrative

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The first, and only so far, time I've been grounded was in fourth grade. I had been staying after school with a friend, Cheyenne. We wouldn’t do much, just talk for a while and then walk home. The thing was, I would take an hour getting home. My mom, of course, was very suspicious. I usually had an excuse along the lines of “Oh I was helping a teacher with something” or “Oh I went to the library to look for a book” or “Oh I walked home with a girl”. After a week, these excuses were getting old, really old. I didn’t know any new ones either, so my mom evidently found me out. The day she caught me was a Friday. It went how Fridays usually went, the aching to get out of school and get to the weekend was the usual. “Hey,” Cheyenne called from …show more content…

I wasn’t in any hurry to get over there, while she was practically racing towards that tree. We made it over and sat down. The tree was on a small hill-like thing and where we sat we could see the baseball courts and the track. I reached up and started to rip off leaves on the tree, an old habit that I still haven’t been able to give up. I tore off sections of the leaves as Cheyenne vented about some kid that was bugging her. “And then--” Cheyenne threw her hands in the air in a massive gesture, “--he said no! No! Why on Earth would he say no!?” “Maybe because he didn’t want to.” I was barely paying enough attention to know what she was talking …show more content…

It wasn’t until we had left the parking lot that what had just happened stuck in my mind. I started to cry, like any other kid that would be in this situation. On the way home, I remember my mom saying “You’re so lucky I found you.” At the time, I didn’t think I was lucky at all. In fact, I thought I had the worst luck. But now, thinking back to it, I realize she meant that if she didn’t find me, I would be in even worse trouble. So, we drove home, and I told her the whole thing. I mean, it wasn’t like I was gonna lie now that I was caught in the act. My punishment ended up being grounded for the following weekend and being walked home by my mom for a week. It was fair, not like I was going to argue anyway though. The fact that I had lied to my mom for a week and made her worried was really bad. I also stayed away from Cheyenne for a while afterward. She was really angry at me for this and even attempted to give me the cold shoulder because of it, which only really worked out in my favor. She wasn't really that good of a friend now that I think about it. I’m kinda glad she goes to a different school and I don’t know her

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