Personal Goals Research Paper

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Goals are something everybody needs to have, without them where are you going? What are you doing and why are you doing it? My personal goal is to stay vegan and to stay healthy. My academic goal would be to go to all of my classes, to not get grades under a B, and to understand what I am being taught. Lastly, my career goal, I do not want to work a 9-5, I want to be doing something I really enjoy doing. Personal goals are very important, they keep you grounded and they let you grow. Before I became vegan I was in and out of the hospital since my eighth grade year, I was honestly going at least 4 times a month. Every time I went, the doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. Years went by, same symptoms, same hospital appointments, same everything. My senior year off high school a few of my symptoms (that I have had for years) progressed. My arms, legs, and gums would go numb. My eye sight would go black. My hair was falling out ridiculously and I honestly thought I would be bald for graduation. Another symptom was …show more content…

People would ask me “Does Kerry go to school here?” Thats how little I went to school. I want to do college differently, I don't want to finesse my way into good grades, I want to work for them even if that means working hard. I pay to go to school with my money, I don't want to waste my money, money is so important. Not only do I want to go to classes because I am paying for it, I want to go because I have the motivation to better myself. Going to class is the easy part, I want to go and understand what I am learning. Doing well in college is so important, so knowing what I am being taught is something I obviously need to succeed. When you understand what it is being taught, you get good grades and I really want good grades, so bad. In order to overcome and achieve this goal I will need to, go to class, apply myself, and then actually

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