Personal Experience: My Single Day Stereotypes

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Every single day stereotypes are being put into effect. Most of the time we use them without even noticing that we are. It just becomes habit that we see people one way. We’ve all heard the saying that white men have it easier. I'm a white male, but i have just as many problems as the next person.
Growing up a white male didn’t give me the extra boost in life like many people may think. My childhood wasn’t great where I had two parents love eachother forever and ever. Instead when I was eight I had two parents who got divorced and resented eachother, forcing me to switch back and forth between houses. As I got older my parents didn’t magically become best friends agian either. They to this day still despise one another. When I turned sixteen I was forced to make the decision on which parent I would choose to live with full time. Choosing my mother was the hardest decision i’ve ever had to make. Being as I lived with parents that don’t believe in granting their children with anything but the necessities I had to purchase my own car if I wanted one. So I …show more content…

Becasue even though I might be white and male I still have to pay for all of my own college education. My parents are not going to chip in a single shiny penny. Originally going to a private university was my plan, but after seeing the hefty price tag even after my scholarship applied, I just knew that I couldnt afford it. So to save a little money the decision came down to two years at a community college and two years at a university. If only my white privalage would have kicked in, I would have been able to attend that fancy private college. I also didn’t recieve the greater intellegence the average person to be able to sail through high school and get exempolry scholorships paying for me to attend whatever college I would please. My opportunities were as equal as the forign girl that sat next to me in

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