Personal Experience In Intern

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Some of the limitations that I felt myself come across is that as an intern I was not able to follow up with my case load as much as I would have wanted. For one, my program is outpatient community based, meaning most of my interactions were at his home with a social worker because we are not allowed to use government vehicles to make home visits. This was difficult because I was not able to gain full rapport with my client because there was always an extra set of eyes that was also interfering with the process of rapport building. My other limitation was that I was only available two days a week which made it hard for me to be there as his case manager given the fact that he was in crisis a couple of times.
Given my schedule and Adrian being in crisis and in need of support, his assigned social work employee was able to assist him on …show more content…

This was a challenge because at times we have different perspectives on how to approach the situations and how to deliver services. Of course she has been working at this department a lot longer than I have, has more experience than me, and has known this client a lot longer than I have made it difficult for me to approach certain situations. Not to say that she was wrong or that I was wrong, but there was often times a difference of opinions. My schedule again interfered with daily staffing of the …show more content…

Going home and not thinking about it was much easier after staffing with my supervisor. I have learned that the road to recovery from mental illness is a long one and often times individuals do not recover entirely. What I can do as a social worker is to offer support and services as best to my knowledge in order to be competent enough for their needs. I would have to say that being a Veteran and empathetic and still being very aware of the silver linings and insight to barriers and my personal beliefs was one of my

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