Personal Expectations In The Great Gatsby

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01. From never have reading the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I had the chance to make several predictions throughout the reading. By reading the blurb beforehand I kept constantly trying to figure out when Jay and Daisy would meet. Moving forward in the storyline, Jay Gatsby was having a party and “the honor would be entirely Gatsby’s it said, if I would attend his ‘little party’ that night,” (Fitzgerald 41). I thought that by inviting Nick, that Gatsby would expect him to bring Daisy and that’s how the two would reconnect. Soon I learned that, this was not the case and that in fact Gatsby was quite shy around her. Predicting in the book is thinking ahead to try to imagine what the characters are going to do next and in this novel I kept trying to place which couple would profess their love for each other first. Whether Daisy and Jay, if it would be Tom and Mrs. Wilson, or even Nick and Jordan. 02. This book surely troubled me enough because at the beginning the author had no sense of introductions to any of the characters, the reader was just thrown into the story. When I first started reading I wanted to know if the narrator of the story was Gatsby himself, until I continues to read and realized they started to talk about him. “When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished, and I was alone …show more content…

The main ideology comes from the underlying story of Gatsby and Nick who returned from the war and are trying to make back an honest and peaceful living. Coming back from war is a big transition and although they are still young with lives ahead of them they are still young and trying to live the American Dream. Become rich and live well, the story goes through their struggles: being lonely, socially awkward, wanting to seek companionship, and liking to return to the safety of their new homes. For Gatsby his American Dream was recreating his old flame with Daisy and when he realizes he can’t he just decides there’s nothing left for him on this

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