Personal Essay: Why I Should Be A Drum Major

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Why I Should Be a Drum Major - Ethan James This is more or less the sharing of my opinions and ideas and will not be a typical essay. I am not a perfect person, it would be an unreasonable expectation. I wholeheartedly believe that I should be a drum major. I believe that I am qualified, that I am the right guy for the job. Take this as you will. I'm not trying to be arrogant…. but I am confident that I will be a good drum major. Our marching band is not perfect, but I believe that it's mostly in the small things and a few big pictures. I say “our” band because it's not just you or me that make the whole. This is one thing I fell like we do good at and fall short of at times. We do good in the effects of being a family and sending prayers and helping one another. Such in the situation of the Robbinsville away game where Davin fell in the stands. We joined together, prayed as one, and we all shared our concern (you should have seen Snapchat). We then fall short in the events of recognizing help from others and how fortunate we are. Such as having respect for the uniform room and the people that work it. If the uniform room starts out clean, wait a week or two and you can see the drastic differences. We fail to respect the people who keep it up and without them we would have to take time from somewhere else that would then result in less learning opportunities and time for …show more content…

Like when your at the ER because you broke a finger, and then a guy comes in with a chopped off finger due to a cooking accident, he will be seen first and the broken finger will have to wait. I want to be one of our drum majors that gets to the broken fingers if you know what I

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