Personal Essay: The End Of Cheerleading

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My coach repeatedly yelled for me to get up and do it again repeatedly. For the 3rd time I got up, took a deep breath, and walked back to the end of the cheer mat. I stood there, calmly gathering myself from the last fall. My next attempt was no better than the last one, it resulted in my body slamming to the floor, right hip first. Although I physically felt weary and frustrated, my mind felt ambitious to continue. I got up and walked back to the end of the mat, without being told. I was ready to try again. A full is one of the hardest skills to master as cheerleader. Being a part of my high school cheerleading team I have experienced embarrassing losses that have made me question myself and my cheerleading abilities. have taught me wanting to win more than other teams is not enough, working harder is. …show more content…

Prior to placing fourth, I had a strong inconceivable drive to win. I worked to my fullest potential every day in practice and when I wasn’t there it was all I could think about. Although, proceeding my fourth place win, my mind was far away from cheer. I complained about having to attend practices and I relied on my current skills to carry me through the season. I reminded myself there’s always tomorrow to console my consciences after a bad practice. In March of 2015 there would be no “tomorrow” after performing the worst routine of the season. My team placed twenty-fourth in the state of Illinois. I was devastated and angry but I had no one to blame this shameful defeat on but myself. Getting twenty-fourth place was due to laziness and a lack of dedication to my

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