Esfj Essay

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There are so many people in the world, and everyone is different in their own way, there are people of different religion, race, ethnicity, and personalities, but that's what makes everyone great in there own way. After taking the personality test in class, I discovered that my personality type is ESFJ-A. Which mean I am an extrovert, sensing type, feeling type, and judging type,and the A stand for assertive. ESFJs mostly focus on the outside world and asses their experiences subjectively. ESFJs also base most of their judgments based on their belief system, and on the effects of actions on others. ESFJs tend to be very literal and concrete, and they are known for bringing out the good in people, and very good at understanding what others …show more content…

I feel as though the E, extravert, suits me very well. I love being around other people, especially my friends and my family, and I feel as though when I am around others I am always energetic, and outgoing. Also I am a great conversationalist I love starting conversations, especially with new people, I love hearing what others have to say, and I love telling others about myself. I also believe that the S, the sensing type,suits me very well too. I feel like I am a very precise person, and aim for perfection in things. I also feel like I am a very down to earth person, and very practical with things. Lastly, is very precise with my work, whenever I work on something, I work very hard, and I check it over and over again until it's as perfect as it can get. As for the F, the feeling type, I feel as though it also suits me very well. I am always aware of how other people feel, and I am always there for them. For example one day my sister was upset because she got a bad grade on her test, and I cheered her up by making a bun of jokes and just being funny, and it made me feel very good to see her smile after she was upset for a while. Also whenever there is a conflict whether it's between my friends or my family I always try to stay out of it, so I can help resolve the conflict, and a lot of times I have helped solve many conflicts. One of my biggest pet peeves is telling people unpleasant things, I feel …show more content…

The father through the son a celebration for coming back in great health, the oldest son was walking back from the field and heard the celebration and asked someone what was going on, and they told him. There has defiantly been times throughout my life when i am like both of these sons. An example of me being like the oldest son is when I always ask my parents for money, also whenever my sister gets something, and I dont I sometimes get a little jealous of her. There have also been times where I was like the youngest son. For example a lot of things in my life I work for like sports, school, money, and it feels really good to be awarded for my hard work. Also there have been times when I have done something I probably shouldn't have and told my parents, and they ended up not being extremely mad because I told them the truth. Lastly, in the future I feel as though i will have an opportunity to be like the father, especially when I have kids and one of them is always spending money, I feel like I would give it to them in the beginning, but eventually get to a point where I tell them they need to get a

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