Personal Essay On Writing Skills

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For as long as I can remember I have not enjoyed writing. My writing skills are weak. I find writing difficult, especially when asked to be a more ‘descriptive writer’. I also fear snakes and public speaking, but thank goodness those are not the issues at hand. Writing is challenging for me and I struggle with coming up with words, thoughts and ideas as to what to write about. I envy people who can write beautifully and are passionate about their writings.

I have been out of high school for several years. I did attend college for two years right after I graduated high school. I returned to college approximately ten years and two children later for one year. Finally, about twenty years after graduating high school I am back in college. …show more content…

Most of my writing exposures are in the professional atmosphere. I draft letters, notecards and emails on behalf of my boss daily. Prior to sending out the correspondences I draft for my boss, I give him the draft to review. He makes his edits and gives the drafts back to me to make the changes and to send out. He once told me that my messages are too direct and I should add more ‘fluff’ to them, especially if I am sending messages on his behalf. Personally, I think when sending a message to coworkers requesting information or relaying information to them the message should be direct and to the point. I was told otherwise, and therefore I try to abide to the boss’s requests.

When I sit down at the computer and compose an email message to a family member or friend, the words seem to come naturally and flow. My daughter has asked me to help her draft poems for assignments in her school and my son has asked me to edit papers he has written for assignments in his school. I feel comfortable helping them and making the necessary edits I find and assist them on their drafts. However, when I am asked to construct a paper on my own or told by my boss that my messages should not be so direct, I freeze. My mind goes completely blank, my heart races, my eyes fill with tears and I

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