Personal Essay: National Honors Society

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I always devote myself to helping others as much as I can. I suppose I attribute being a part of such a tight-knit family as my own to play a significant role in my desire to help others in their times of need, as my family has always done for each other. Thus, I make it a point to constantly volunteer in my school and community. By doing so, over my four years of high school I have accumulated over 400 service learning hours. I am an active participant in various community service-oriented extracurricular activities and organizations. I am a member of many such clubs like National Honors Society, Beta Club, Key Club, Human Relations Club, Student Leadership, and HOPE Club. Of those, I am president of National Honors Society, treasurer of …show more content…

My high school is a school for the arts, and so I am a chorus major there. Outside of learning music and preparing for our concerts, we also make it a point to share our art with the community every year. My favorite community service event is definitely our annual nursing home caroling tours, in which we visit several nursing homes in the area and sing for and interact with their members. Many of them feel lonely in these nursing homes, especially during the holiday season. Therefore, we always make it a point to visit and spread some cheer, showing them that they are indeed still cared for. In the past, we have also participated in other projects such as recording music for premature infants to hear while in the neonatal intensive care unit, as well as music for hospice members and their families. This year during our spring concert, our goal is to bring awareness to and collect support for the needy children in Africa through a donation drive for basic medicine to send to them. We are dedicating a section of the concert to African folk music, and will also hear from speakers who were adopted as children from their impoverished, former homes in Africa and now actively contribute their service to helping other such

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