Personal And Professional Goals

622 Words2 Pages

How have I used TRiO SSP services to pursue my academic, personal, and professional goals? What have I learned from these experiences?

My academic goal is to graduate from Western Michigan University and go on to graduate school to get a master’s in social work. TRiO has helped me with this through regular advising appointments and steering me in the right direction. TRiO makes sure I am in contact with the advisor of my Major as well. They make me think about what classes I am taking and make sure the workload is not too much. This year in my TRiO advising appointment Thalia talked with me about post-graduation goals and I told her I wanted to go to graduate school. She informed me of what graduate assistant was and how that may help me financially through graduate school. If it wasn’t for her explaining that to me I wouldn’t have known that I had that option to look into.
As for personal goals I am always trying to relieve stress. I tend to be actively involved on campus with CRU, CAB, Nonprofit Leadership Student Association, Kappa Phi and so on. This can at times be so overwhelming with school, especially since I …show more content…

TRiO has been with me since day one to accomplish this goal. When I was a freshman I wanted to get a job as an RA and Cody helped me with preparing for my interview and letting me know what to expect. When I quit that job Thifa was there talking to me and asking how I was going to do another job if I couldn’t handle the RA position. I took this as her asking me questions to ask myself and see if social work was really the career I wanted to pursue. Obviously, reflected on that and decided to continue to pursue my career and applied to an FYS co-facilitator for TRiO. This gave me the opportunity to do what I wanted to as an RA, but through a different outlet. I could connect with students and share campus resources and help them on their journey through college but I didn’t have to be on the job

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