Perfume Advertisement

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Every time I use Jimmy Choo perfume I’m sure to tell someone bless you. I always spray enough for the entire room to smell me when I enter, that’s how you know you’ve sprayed enough. My motto is it’s not enough until someone sneezes. It is safe to say that most woman like to smell good. Perfume holds the power that women are what they wear. Perfume is a part of a woman’s outfit, without it how are you supposed to be noticed? By your clothes would be the answer for any average person, but for me I picture when you walk past someone the first thing to be noticed is your scent they will compliment you with “You smell good” not “I like your outfit.” Sex sells, but perfume sells more. No matter who the person is you could be well-dressed, but if you don’t smell decent no cares about the outfit you are wearing. I chose a magazine ad about a product I use, Jimmy Choo perfume. In this ad there is a model sitting on a couch with an appealing dress on and the perfume bottle is by her side. Jimmy Choo is iconic luxury lifestyle brand defined as an empowered sense of glamour. The model looks glamorous in this ad dressed high fashioned, and she is representing the product how Jimmy Choo imagines everyone using their product is supposed to look. Sporty women compared to high class conservative women probably do not have the same taste in perfume, as would a teenager compared to a 50-year old women. Jimmy Choo sells everything from perfume to shoes, the name itself on the product draws attention to women. Name brand things are important to fashion now, it all ties into why you should use the product, why you should spend the money on the product, and is this product one of the “in” things now. Call them materialistic or not, advertisers...

... middle of paper ... get from this ad are appealing and make you want to run to Macy’s and spend the luxurious $78. I think these product sales are pretty high, and the social status you could get from using this product makes you want to buy it. It doesn’t matter if you like the product; it is the fact that can say you own it. I would suggest this perfume to anyone, the perfume itself conveys strength and beauty, glamour and confidence. The perfume industry is one of many options thus making advertisers work to make a consumer purchase their fragrance. In this ad the example of pathos and ethos work hand-in-hand in attempt to be seen as the most attractive product on the market. With many different types of women that live around the world, Jimmy Choo ads have to appeal to every woman’s personality, lifestyle, and needs in order to sell their product, in this ad they did just that.

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