Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief Literary Analysis

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Common themes can be found across various pieces of literature.In the myth Theseus, Theseus goes to King Minos to fight the Minotaur and get their freedom from this evil King.Theseus does this and returns back victorious.In Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy is sent on a quest to receive the Lightning bolt and return it back to Zeus.These summaries show that Percy and Theseus had to struggle against authority in order to do what is right.

In the myth “Theseus and the Minotaur,” Theseus struggles against authority in order to do what is right.In paragraph six, it says “Let the people of Athens this year draw only six young men, Instead of seven.I myself will be the seventh, and let the minotaur devour me if he can.” This quote shows that Theseus is brave and will help the people of Athens be done with fighting the Minotaur year after year under the control of King Minos.In the myth, Theseus is fearless of the deadly monster, the Minotaur.In the text, it says “He hit him upon the neck and made his bullhead skip six yards from his human body.”This shows that Theseus is strong and does what's

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