Perceptions of Love in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Perceptions of Love in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Bearing in mind that 'Romeo and Juliet´ is one of the most famous love

stories ever written, examine Shakespeare´s presentation of 'love´

referring closely to the language used by different characters.

The play 'Romeo and Juliet´ presents true love in the form of

'star-crossed lovers´ and just as their love is depicted as eternal,

the play itself has endured for years. There have been many

adaptations of the play in the forms of books, films, ballets and

plays. Several books have been loosely based on the story, involving

young lovers of different religion or different race who are not

permitted to be together. These are always very popular because people

want to find true love. The words 'Romeo and Juliet´ conjure up images

associated with true love; but the play explores many views of 'love´.

Each character in the play has a different personality and view on

life, therefore they perceive 'love´ in their own distinct way, adding

a clear contrast to Romeo and Juliet´s first love, which is true and


The play 'Romeo and Juliet´ is the story of true love and devotion and

it is therefore unexpected that the first reference to relationships

in the play is all about sex. The first two characters that the

audience is introduced to are Sampson and Gregory. They are vulgar and

crude, making many sexual references and innuendoes. They do not see

love as involving emotions or desires, but as a purely physical thing,

sexual not emotional. Sampson refers to women as "weaker vessels" and

tells of how he will rape the maids of the Montague household;

"Women being the weake...

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...ung lovers defy their parents by marrying behind their

backs, proving their love for one another. However the most definite

affirmation of their love, is when the lovers make the ultimate

sacrifice, their own lives. This pair of "star-crossed lovers"

experience the most remarkable form of love imaginable, true love.

Shakespeare´s presentation of 'love´ in the play 'Romeo and Juliet´

varies. Some characters think only of sex, others demonstrate a form

of love with their children, but the one true, pure love is that of

Romeo and Juliet. Each character in the play provides a frame to their

love, their attitudes contrasting with young lovers. Romeo and Juliet

share a special bond together that will never be lost. They make the

greatest sacrifice for each other and this proves their love.

"Romeo: Thus with a kiss I die"

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