People Should Participate In Presidential Elections

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Every 4 years we get a new president and U.S citizens go out and vote for whoever they believe is good enough to win the presidential election. The only way to vote is by being 18 years old or older or else you can’t vote. In my opinion I think it's very important to go out and vote because in this case it affects our every aspect in our live such as school,healthcare, and homeland and a lot more other things in our lives. By people going out there and voting it’s showing your opinions on how you think that the government should operate. In the next paragraph I will talk about who I voted for and why I believe she should win. In this year's election since I am 18 years old, and old enough to vote I decided to vote for Hillary Clinton. The …show more content…

Like is this case back in 2008 and 2016 according to the “2016 Election” they talk about how black women voted record of numbers they even gathered there chruch, their block , and sorority sisters and that's what the want this fall when it comes to voting.The consequences that affect people the most when they don’t make a choice is that they can stay trap in their own silence because Instead of saying what choice they made they rather keep quiet, they think that they're going to make a bad choice and that it won't matter what there choice is. According to Glyda C. In the “2016 Election” article she’s trying to say that no matter what choice is made it will still matter and it should be heard that way people can know how your feeling towards that certain subject. For example voting, Glynda says, “voting is an important part of our democracy; it helps shape the direction of the country and determines who leads us.”, and that's why when it comes down to situations like this you decide to make a choice and not keep quiet into not making a choice. Our choices should be always be heard because it matters whether it's a bad choice or good. The second article that helped me out with my essay was called “ Should Voting be Required by law” this article is basically talking about how people think that voting should be a law because a lot of people decide not to go out and vote. For Example this article said “Australians who fail to vote have to pay a fine.” I don’t find it fair that they have to pay a fine just because they don't decide to go out and vote for the

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