Peony: A Short Story

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Kai told me that the queen gave him an antidote, but only enough for one normal sized male. Dr. Erland gave me a little when he heard Peony was in her fourth stage of the plague, remembering his promise when I first arrived. His promise was that peony would be the second, behind the emperor, to get the antidote when they found one. When I got to quarantine and found her, she wouldn’t drink it. Her life drained from her eyes and she died in my arms. The androids tried taking Peony’s ID chip, but I managed to save it. That caused a ruckus that set off alarms and warning systems. While making my escape from the quarantine, I spotted Sunto, the baker’s son. I rushed over to him and made him drink the antidote. I then sprinted out of there as fast as I could. …show more content…

The ball was to happen that night, after the coronation. The news of a miracle survivor hit the whole commonwealth and so did the footage of my escape. You couldn’t tell that it was me either, I’m lucky. The person on the other side of the d com. connected to me. She told me everything she knew. She told me to warn Kai about the queen's plans to kill him and start a war. Of course, being the idiot I am, I went to warn Kai. I drove the car saved for my escape, I wore Peony’s dress and a pair of Pearl’s boots, I put on my old prosthetic foot and quickly made it to the ball. How stupid of me. There I embarrassed myself in more ways than one. I had kissed Kai, I had revealed that I was lunar, and I had revealed that I was a cyborg. He was shocked, he had been flirting with a cyborg, lunar fugitive for the past month. The queen wanted me dead, but Kai just put me into a cell, waiting for my trial. Dr. Erland, a lunar fugitive who only told me he was lunar a couple days ago, had come to visit me in my cell. He gave me a new foot and hand. Even though they weren’t skin grafted, they were still

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