Penelope In Homer's Odyssey

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When Penelope defends the beggar, treats the beggar exceptionally well, and when secrative epithets are used to describe Penelope in The Odyssey, Homer is portraying that Penelope is informed Odysseus is disquised as a beggar. Penelope stands up for her guest by remarking “How impolite” and “how wrong” while defending her guest as Antinuous attempts to prevent the beggar (Odysseus) from attempting the challenge given by Penelope (21: 351-352). Remarks like these spotlight Penelope’s awarness, because throughought the book Penelope does not have the reputation of standing up for others, but when a poor beggar arrives she defends him, which shows she is aware the beggar is Odysseus. Penelope showcases her knowledge of Odysseus disquise while

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