Peggy Sands Argument

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The format of a piece of writing demonstrates the purpose of the writing. The purpose of persuasive writing is to convince. Many articles and speeches use persuasive writing to convince the audience about a specific topic he or she supports. In an article titled “What’s Wrong with the DREAM Act”, the author incorporates persuasive writing to develop the article into countering against the passing of the DREAM Act because the act is flawed and unfair. The author Peggy Sands goes further into the argument by including the reasons in which the DREAM Act will not be passed because of the discrimination, age broadness, and false marketing the act includes. These attributes categorize the article as persuasive writing because the author uses reasoning …show more content…

A clear thesis makes Peggy Sands argument convincing to the reader. Peggy Sands’ thesis clearly states that the DREAM Act contains flaws in what the bill entails and that the bill is unfair to those who do not benefit from the bill. The author has a clear thesis because she addresses her points in a straightforward manner and makes the reader aware of her disapproval towards the DREAM Act being passed. She expresses a clear thesis by providing the reader with reasons such as discrimination, age broadness, and false marketing to express the flaws of the DREAM Act. In the article, Peggy Sands’ includes her thesis in the introduction and conclusion to make readers aware of the argument she is trying to get across. For example, at the end of the introduction, before transitioning to her reasons that support her thesis, she explains that the DREAM Act will not be passed. Moreover, in her conclusion, she takes a similar approach in addressing her thesis by including why the DREAM Act will not be passed and the only way the DREAM Act could possibly be passed is by describing the act as a support system for illegal immigrants to …show more content…

Concrete evidence assures the argument by allowing the reader to see sources that prove the argument true. The evidence provides proof because the author wants the reader to be on their side of the argument. The author uses credible sources as concrete evidence to validate her position. Peggy Sands provides evidence from the Chancellor of the California State University system to defend her position that the DREAM Act is being falsely marketed. In the article, the chancellor states, “We don’t ask students about their immigration status. If they’ve graduated from high school and qualify academically…” The evidence the author provides comes from a credible source and makes her position much stronger. In addition, the author provides evidence from the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute to maintain her position on the DREAM Act. The author explains how the Migration Policy Institute every year gives out more green cards than the previous year to illegal immigrants. The statement defends the author’s position because the evidence proves that the DREAM Act is unfair. The evidence also comes from a reliable source, the Migration Policy Institute, who need to have records of the number of individuals who have received green cards from them. The author uses another piece of evidence that relates to her thesis in regards to the DREAM Act being unfair to legal immigrants. Peggy Sands describes how illegal immigrants only

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