Pedro Páramo

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Analysis of the role of Setting as Symbolism in Pedro Páramo In the novel, Pedro Páramo, by Juan Rulfo, settings serve the purpose of being much more than merely locations. Various settings are utilized to represent symbols throughout the novel in order for Rulfo to develop the plot of the novel. Comala is a location that clearly acts as a symbol in Rulfo’s writing; however, to truly recognize the symbolism in the novel and to acknowledge the presence of key themes such as those of purgatory, religion, and oppression, it is necessary to analyze less conspicuous settings, particularly, the home of doña Eduviges, the church, and the Media Luna. By viewing the home of doña Eduviges, it is clear that this setting represents the theme of purgatory. Eduviges claims that her home …show more content…

As people went away, they chose my house to store their belongings, but not one of them has ever come back to claim them” (Rulfo, 10). This can be seen as an example of people being in purgatory, as they have been searching for salvation, and have yet to return to recollect their belongings. This idea is later reinforced throughout the novel as the narrator speaks about wandering souls and voices heard by Juan Preciado, which supports how the idea of purgatory is present in the town of Comala. Similarly, the house of Eduviges is a place of death where lost souls may be wandering around after death, as they would in purgatory. This notion is illustrated when, as Juan sleeps in Eduviges’s house, he hears a great scream, and Damiana tells him that, “It may be some echo trapped in here” (Rulfo, 33). She explains the story of a man named Toribio Aldrete

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