Paying A Car

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Benefits Of Paying Cash For A Car People just love cars so much that they are willing to go through auto loan financing in order to own one. Cars are still the best mode of transport that one can own. Every young persons dream is owning a car someday. When you look at people's dreamboards, screensavers, and posters in teenagers' rooms, cars would be a part of them most of the time. Only a few people think about paying in cash when buying a car. Auto loan financing seems to be the more popular choice. The average price for a car is around $35,000 which makes it quite steep for many to go the cash payment route. Why Pay Cash For A Car 1. You get cash discounts A lot of car dealers would come up with financing deals that are simply hard to …show more content…

Longer term car loans make you upside down longer A car's value goes down at around 20% once you drive it home from the showroom. This will put you in a situation which they call being upside down on your loan. This just means that you owe more on your financing than what your car is worth. For example, your car's value is at $9,000 and you still owe $15,000 on your car payments, this means you are upside down by $6,000. This can have an effect on insurance claims if you have to make one while you are still upside down or underwater on your loan. The insurance company may pay you what your car is worth but that won't be enough to cover payment on your loan if you are upside down. Car's rarely appreciate in value except in rare cases when they are preserved or vintage cars already. Compared to being upside down on your mortgage loan, at least properties increase in value over time. 5. Paying interest is money lost Imagine the savings and the extra cash that you may have if you didn't have to pay for your car loan. You can use the money for your retirement, buy a home or invest it in business. It is always better to put your money in an instrument that earns interest rather than you having to pay interest. Interest payments can be considered as money

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