Pawns In Hamlet

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In today’s day and age, a controversial topic of discussion is gender. Traditionally, there are only two genders: male and female. However, many people are starting to recognize and identify as more than 50 different genders. People are slowly attempting to disassemble gender roles in an effort for equality. However, when Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, women were rarely seen as anything other than a wife, mother, and in the case of some a pawn that could be used to manipulate for the good of someone else. Ophelia and Queen Gertrude are two examples of women who are used as pawns by the men in Hamlet.
When one observes the effects of gender roles in Hamlet, Ophelia is an example of character who is heavily affected by the oppressive standards of her day. Women like Ophelia were expected to remain as pure as the day they were born until the night if their marriage. Just before he leaves for France, Laertes finds Ophelia advises her, “If with too credent ear you list his songs,/or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open/...And keep within the rear of your affection, out of shot and danger of desire.” (Ham. I.iii.31-35). The purity of woman was considered so valuable that one’s own brother felt it was necessary to lecture his sister to ignore the Hamlet’s pursuits towards her in an effort …show more content…

In Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia are constantly being used as Polonius’ and Claudius’ pawns. When Claudius and Polonius are in the throne room, they dismiss Gertrude due to her uselessness in the situation and order, “Ophelia, walk you here/...Read on this book/ That show of such an exercise may colour/ Your loneliness.” (Ham. III.i.43-46) while they hide behind a tapestry. Polonius and Claudius feel that they are so superior to Ophelia that they have no regrets using her as

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