Paul Revere Research Paper

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Mind - Paul Revere strongly believed in America not having to pay any taxes to the British. Eyes- When Paul Revere was growing up, he saw the British ship coming in to Boston's harbor and bringing tea, and other items, so because they were bring stuff for the Americans, they had to pay taxes. Mouth - Two of Paul Revere's quotes is " The British are coming the British are coming" and "Oneth by land, twoeth by sea." Nose - Some of the things Paul revere most likely smelled was Burning metal, gunpower, the countryside, fish, and fires. Hands - Paul revere fought in the revolutionary war, he was a part of the Boston Tea Party, and he warned people about the British coming in to start the war. Heart - Paul Revere loved his wife Sara Paul Revere was born in January, 1734, and he died in May, 1818. When Paul was only 19 his father (Apollos Revere) died and Paul had to take over as the silversmith for his father, with his little brother. While Paul was a silversmith the Boston Massacre occurred, and it is told that Paul Revere was in the crowd when this happened, because he created a perfect replica of the Massacre on a plate, it even included exactly where the people who had died had fallen. Paul Revere married Sara Orne who had 8 children in the time they were married, but Sara Orne died in the year 1773, so Paul was left to take care of a big family with his dying mother (Deborah Revere), so by the next year he married Rachel Walker, and then they had 8 children, so by the time Paul was going to Head to MA to warn the troops that the Red Coats were coming Paul had 16 children all together. On his journey to warn the troops he got caught and he had to spend 3 days in jail. Paul Revere and supposedly his son Paul Revere Jr. were a part of the Boston Tea Party, and they dressed up like Indians, by the next morning over ten-thousand pounds of tea were dropped into the ocean. When Paul went to warn all 13 colonies that the Red Coats were coming, 12 British soldiers surrounded him and said "If you go on we will blow your brains out", so Paul Revere got off his horse, and he never saw his horse Brown Beauty again. Paul Revere then retired to go back to his private life and returned to being a silversmith. Rachel Revere (Walker) died in the year 1813, and Paul Revere followed shortly after. Only five of Paul's children were alive to mourn their father's

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