Paul Martin: Canada's Unforgettable Prime Minister

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Paul Martin: The #1 Choice

Unfortunately the King had to leave the building, no i’m not talking about Elvis but the 21st Prime minister of Canada; Paul Martin. He was then replaced by the leader of the Conservative party Stephen Harper. Paul Martin was a great Prime Minister compared to Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper was boring, mean and selfish. He lost the Country billions. Martin on the other hand brought Canada to places we've never been.

There were many many good things that Paul Martin did for our country while he was in charge. From the start we knew Paul Martin was here for the people. As Finance Minister Paul Martin was able to help those with lower incomes to stay off of welfare by increasing tax credits to others. This helped many families in keeping houses and buy food and clothes for their children. He also passed …show more content…

Paul Martin was extraordinary with the spending of Canadian dollars. 1998 was the year he finally erased the $42 billion deficit created by Prime minister Jean Chretien. Martin was very familiar with spending and not spending in order to help Canadians as he had been Finance Minister for 10 years under Mr. Chretien. The wise money man of Mr. Martin also spent $41 billion to help increase the Canadian health care. This was known as the health care accord. This was something Canadians had never seen before. This act showed Paul Martin cared for the people living in his country and that everyone would live healthier under his watch

In conclusion the evidence clearly shows that Paul Martin was the better Prime Minister for Canada. Brought so many good things to the people in order for our country to do well. Stephen Harper cared only for the money and that the corporation did well. This is not what a good leader does. Paul Martin is the better choice for each and every

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