Patrick Maloney Case

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Today November 15, 2017, the case of senior police officer Patrick Maloney, who was found murdered in his home October 4, 2017, goes on. After weeks of myself, Alex Wargo, and the prosecuting team putting together evidence, justice will be brought for Patrick Maloney, and his wife, Mary Maloney, will be found guilty of his murder. Starting from the very beginning of the night Mrs.Maloney testified that her and her husband were discussing a “touchy” subject. Although Mrs.Maloney will not confirm the “touchy” subject to the court, a testimony from an unidentified source can fill in the blanks from that conversation. A women came into the police station and told police she was Mr.Maloney’s lover. Is this the conversation Mr. and Mrs.Maloney were having the night he died? Could this be a motive for Mrs.Maloney to murder her husband? Mr.Maloney was killed with a single blow to his head, according to the corner. There was no struggle from Mr.Maloney. However, when police showed up to the Maloney residence, the living room and desk were torn apart. The chair to the desk was knocked over, papers from Mr.Maloney’s desk were scattered all over the floor and over the desk. A small table by the couch was knocked over. Something that caught the attention of investigators was the crime scene itself. If there was no struggle from Mr.Maloney, why would an intruder create one? …show more content…

Tell me this, how does a wife, not know she is killing her husband? Or destroying her living room to make the crime scene look as if there was a struggle, and how does she dispose of the murder weapon by feeding it to her dead husband's co-workers who were there to find out what happened that night? Your answer, she did know. She knew what she had done, and was only trying to save herself from

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