Patient Portals: A Case Study

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Introduction Health Information technology (HIT) is striving towards addressing health care inefficiencies and trying to improve the health outcomes by reducing the costs. However, it is important to evaluate if the investments made in the HIT is capable of bringing the expected results. The case study on patient portals and the scholarly critique largely provides evidence of the success of HIT. Scope The utilization of the HIT to improve health outcomes while reducing costs were studied Methodology The two reports that were summarized and insights were gained: Report 1: The report “Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Patient Population through Patient Portals” was summarized in context of meaningful use and patient engagement. It reports the implementation and meaningful use of the …show more content…

The report summarized how HIT can bring about acceleration of the drug discovery process. Findings Report 1: The case study was of Family Health which is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FDHC) network. They are striving towards providing one-stop shopping tailored towards patient needs. The findings pertaining to “Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Patient Population through Patient Portals”, were: The patient portal were in alignment with the meaningful use 2 features i.e. Send and receive messages in secured manner, downloading medical records, accessing patient education resources and reviewing health information by patient themselves. The patient portals are interoperable and acts as a one stop shop. It allows the patients to gain easy access to technology and thus allowing them to participate in their own care followed by improved health outcomes. Report 2: The findings of the scholarly critique “Insights on earlier adoption of medical innovations were as

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