Patient Experience Essay

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When I was born, I was diagnosed with two heart murmurs and a pin-sized hole in my heart. Due to these deformities, I have had to visit a pediatric cardiologist for annual evaluations. Walking down the corridors of Mount Sinai Hospital and sitting in the waiting room, I would often see doctors talking to worried parents about the lifesaving procedures their little ones would soon undergo so that they would lead “normal” lives. Soon the worry on the faces of the parents and patients would turn into relief and hopefulness, as they spoke with the doctors and their healthcare teams. Having such wonderful doctor-patient interactions depends on the institution fostering an atmosphere where the top priority is the well-being of their patients. Having …show more content…

I was able to shadow a primary care physician by the name of Dr. Afflu in Brooklyn, NY. Most of the patients we saw suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and /or cardiovascular-related health issues. It was apparent that some, if not most, lacked basic information and knowledge that couId have prevented or delayed the onset of their ailments. Despite this discrepancy between what the patients knew and what they should've known, I witnessed Dr. Afflu taking the time to properly educate his patients, allowing them to take part in their own …show more content…

These classes opened my eyes up to the frameworks and bureaucracies at play in public health. In the future, I envision myself playing a leadership role in Health Policy and Management, locally and/or globally. By the time I enter my career field, new policies may be implemented, old ones may be improved or even discarded, and I want to be part of that process. As an aspiring public health administrator, I would love to serve communities through policy developments and the improvement of overall care and quality of life of those I serve. In order to effect the change I want to see, I know that I will need to both hone my scientific knowledge and research capabilities and also gain the expertise in the field that only hands-on experience can

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