Path To Citizenship Essay

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The Path to Citizenship and Current State of Immigration into Canada
The country of Canada is known for its celebration of diverse population and multiculturalism. For years foreigners have been immigrating to Canada to find better opportunities for themselves and their families. Citizenship offers protection of human rights and freedoms including mobility and equality among others, under the Charter. (Canadian Charter, 1982, s 6(2)(b)) The status of Canadian citizenship first started with the official Citizen Act in 1947, which distinguished Canada from other parts of the British Commonwealth. “Before 1947, residents of Britain, Australia, and New Zealand could without limitation immigrate to Canada whenever they chose … Canadians had the same rights to move to those countries and exercise political rights” (Dickerson, Flanagan & O'Neill, 2009). As the country has become more developed, the state of immigration has changed with it. The process of obtaining legal citizenship today is varied according to the applicants’ circumstances. The current state of immigration into Canada is shaped by these paths to citizenship.

Paths to Citizenship
Some individuals become Canadian citizens upon their birth, in accordance to the principles “Jus soli (right of soil) and Jus sanguinis (right of blood)” (Dickerson et al., 2009). These principles mean that “anyone born within the …show more content…

The immigrants who came to Canada through business and worker programs or the Provincial Nominee Program can be classified as economic immigrants. Nearly 3 million immigrants were admitted under economic programs and still lived in Canada come 2016 (GCCP, 2017). Of the immigrants who had instead been sponsored by family, about 1.8 million still lived in Canada in 2016 (GCCP,

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