Passion Of John Muir

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John Muir was one of the most passionate men of all time on preservation of the land. Few of his time, found Yosemite; considered by some to be the “garden of eve”, to be something that future generations would always enjoy. Unlike most men of his time, Muir was not focused on exploiting Yosemite, but instead to protect it. This life long passion of John was what gave him his nickname as “Father of our National Parks”. Many books have been wrote about John Muir but the most famous is of his personal journal called My First Summer in the Sierra. This book shows perfectly John Muir’s love and outlook of the land. John describes every little detail of the Sierras, bringing it to life and ultimately personifying the land. John accounted every little detail on his trip, from the bristle of leaves in the wind, to an ant walking below him. This profound love of nature was almost spiritual, realizing that “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” I strongly believe that John Muir’s intentions were always in the right place and morally correct, as the …show more content…

Theodore Roosevelt was one of the men whose opinion was changed by Muir, ultimately leading to the change of Yosemite to a state park. Though John Muir was a selfish man, he always put nature first. Some believe that having the right intentions and morals means taking care of others before yourself or anything else. Others believe right intentions are putting your care and effort in something you believe. But no matter your stance on John Muir, I believe his intentions were always in the right place despite your definition of “good morals”. John Muir never hurt anyone, nor anything. Whatever his action or decision, it was always to move one step closer to becoming one with nature and preserving it from any

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