Passion For Research Paper

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Passion is the enthusiasm for something. Passion is important for people’s personal sense of wellbeing, it pushes them often to create or make something better. For example if someone is passionate about art, they will do what’s in their power to hone their skills and create something they can be proud of, which gives them a sense of accomplishment. Like “hey, I did something good today.” People can use their passions to help society as a whole, like if someone was very passionate about the subject of homelessness, they might decide to open a homeless shelter to provide positive change. Passion sparks the fire inside people to take action, without it, we wouldn’t complete our endeavors nearly as effectively or be nearly as happy as we could …show more content…

Other people see that action John is taking and it inspires others to follow in his footsteps. People see that John will do everything in his power to pursue his passion, so others trust that he will be reliable in his endeavors and truly cares about the outcomes. Also, when we pursue our passions and succeed, that satisfies our needs as humans. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, after physical, security, emotional, and esteem needs are met, humans pursue self actualization, or the need to satisfy personal growth and success. Passion spurs us on to get things done. Now imagine the life you are living. What passion do you pursue? Now imagine your life without that passion, how happy would you be? Also, imagine it vice versus, is there something you are passionate about that you’re not pursuing? Imagine your life while implementing your passion. How much happier would you be? Passion helps our emotional wellbeing, when we do things we love, we feel better. Passion is essential to making an impact on the life around you, it shows people you care and encourages others to depend on you and follow your example. Humans brains are wired to reward us when we achieve personal growth and pursue our passions. How would our society be if George Washington never wanted to be president? What if Van Gogh never attempted to pick up a paintbrush, or if you never pursued your passion? Do something you feel strongly about, then you will care much more whether it succeeds or not. Follow your heart, and make a positive impact on the world, not just so everyone will remember you, but so that you can make other lives

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