Pascal Wager Term Paper Outline

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1. Introduction:
a. -Religion has been around as long humans, no matter how you believe they were created
-Christianity (what Pascal uses as the basis of his argument) is one of, if not the biggest religions in the world
-The wager is part of Apologetic philosophy, meaning that Pascal is defending his position/belief in an argument with the use of information
-Pascal’s wager was meant to show that while not believing in God will only have loss of some things, believing in God will allow you to gain everything.
b. Thesis: Pascal’s Wager calls for the need for people to choose to believe in something, to allow them the chance of gaining more than ever, and with that your chances for gain will be higher with the belief of a god, but the highest with the belief in the God of the Bible.
c. –since Christianity is the largest religion globally, it has the most people behind it meaning that the probability of God existing is higher with that many people in the religion, and with the belief you gain infinitely if God does exist.
-the Wager has been proven to show that it has been said to “gambling people” in order to make them think about converting to Christianity; wagers involve probability as does gambling, so the gamblers have the mind ready to think of everything involved in wagering, so they know the best way to go about choosing their outcome in the wager
-logically, the belief in God is there because the Wager shows the outcomes of each possibility, and only one is good, which is believing in God and he does exist. If that were to come true, then you can gain everything, while believing and the existence being false, you don’t lose too much.
2. Explanatory Paragraph
a. Pascal’s Wager is #233 of the Pensées and talks about how on...

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... Pascal and his writings, but from the research I have done and examined, the conclusion that men should be thinking logically, not rationally as rationality is for the mind, not heart, and see the Wager has one good outcome, which is to believe.
b. The argument in the defense of Pascal’s Wager has many flaws
- If Christian God does not exist, what if another God does
1. Logically, it only makes sense to go into the faith that most others have gotten into, with the largest followings and one of the oldest formations.
- What if there is no god and everything was a test of mind vs heart and the rationality of humans
1. Faith is in the heart and as has been said, the heart has reason which reason cannot understand. So if it were a fight over finding rationality, it would not be fully supported because finding the complete and total reason for faith will never be found.

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