Parts Of Speech Essay

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Grammar Basics: Sentence Structures and Parts of Speech
The job of grammar is to organize words into sentences, and there are many ways to do that or we could say that- Words can be organized into sentences in many different ways. There are hundreds of grammar rules but the basic ones refer to sentence structure and parts of speech, which are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and interjection. The parts of speech come in many varieties and may show up just about anywhere in a sentence. To know for sure what part of speech a word is, we have to look not only at the word itself but also at its meaning, position, and use in a sentence.

We’ll begin by introducing the traditional parts of speech and the most common …show more content…

Understanding the different parts of speech is important in understanding how words can and should be joined together to make sentences that are both grammatically correct and readable. An understanding of the parts of speech is also important for knowing how to correctly punctuate sentences.
The eight parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.
1. NOUN- A noun is generally defined as a person, place, or thing; however, ideas are also nouns. For example, Sarah, lady, cat, Canada, football. Though love is not a tangible thing that can be seen or held, but clearly it exists, so it is also a noun.
Nouns can be divided into following categories:
• ABSTRACT NOUNS- An abstract noun is a noun that names an idea, not a physical thing. Examples: Hope, interest, love, peace, ability, success.
• CONCRETE NOUNS- A concrete noun is a noun that names a physical thing. Examples: Boy, table, floor, coffee, beach, king.
• COMMON NOUNS- A common noun is a noun that names a general thing, not a specific thing. Examples: Boy, girl, city, country, company, planet, location, war.
• PROPER NOUNS- A proper noun is a noun that indicates the specific name of a thing. It begins with a capital …show more content…

Common subordinating conjunctions include after, as, although, because, before, even though, if, once, rather than, since, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, whereas, while.
• Conjunctive adverbs are transitional words used to connect one sentence to another. Common conjunctive adverbs include additionally, in addition, moreover, also, consequently, furthermore, otherwise, instead, for instance, for example, accordingly, therefore, generally, in fact, in other words, in conclusion, finally.
• Correlative conjunctions are a combination of a coordinating conjunction and another word. For example: In the sentence both John and I are having a hard time with the homework, both…and are the correlative conjunctions.)
EXAMPLE SENTENCES: I want to come, but I can’t. Here “BUT” is a conjunction.
8) INTERJECTION-An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion and is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. Interjections can also serve as a single word

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