Parents Should Be the Ones Who Make Marriage Choices for Their Children

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It is said that marriages are made in heavens, but we need to make proper choice to make it successful. Parents play a vital role in our lives, especially when it comes to taking big decisions like marriage. Marriage is the union between male and female and also among the two families. Therefore parents should be the one who make marriage choices for their children because they are the best guides for their children, they have worldly experiences and awareness, and they have deep concern for their children.

Usually after a certain age, children try to behave independent and want the freedom to think and take their own decisions, whether it is correct or wrong. In the matter of choosing one’s life partner or taking the decision of marriage, they can go wrong in making their decision. Children are immature and at their age they do not understand the difference between infatuations and love, whereas parents have had marriage experiences and they are able to analyze and view a person from different angles. They are aware about different characters of people, their behavior and hence th...

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