Parenting Styles And Substance Abuse

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Piko and Balázs (2012) state that during adolescence, emotional closeness to parents may diminish and conflicts with parents tend to increase. If there is a lack of emotional warmth and less open communication it may lead to the development of problem behaviors in adolescents. When looking at various parental protective factors, parental control and monitoring of behaviors have been found to be the strongest to help prevent adolescent substance use and abuse. Moderate and adequate control, not manipulative psychological control, can play an important role in children’s self-control, which is in turn related to their adjustment and behavior. According to the classification made by Maccoby and Martin (1983) the authoritative parenting style is classified by high responsiveness and being highly demanding. …show more content…

The main goal of the study was to investigate the role of the authoritative parenting styles and other family related factors on adolescent substance usage. Researchers measured both lifetime and monthly prevalence of substance use. There was a difference detected between males and females in relation to lifetime drinking prevalence. For males the only protective factor that had a significant effect on them was how demanding their parents

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