Paradoxes In Twelve Monkeys

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The concept of time traveling has been researched by scientist for a long time, dreaming to one day make it happen. Even being this a very difficult topic, this dream has inspired a lot of novelists and directors in different works and stories that has left a mark in the history of novels, movies and in our minds. But the science of time travel is not something that you could leave behind while writing these kind of stories, in every time-travel movie the main character’s actions affects the normal chronology of the story changing the events that may happen in it and creating what is called another reality of events or paradoxes in the timeline. In the movie “Twelve Monkeys” the travel of the main character to the past in order to discover the reason of the deadly virus led to a series of paradoxes that affected the future. In this essay I’ll try to explain each of the small paradoxes that compose the big paradox of the movie.
The movie starts when James Cole returns to 1990 by mistake and finds with Dr. Kathryn Raily, a psiquistry that believes that Cole is crazy when she hears his story about the virus, and sends him to a mad house where he encounters Jeffrey Goins, a crazy man who is paranoid about the government and the abuse to animals by …show more content…

When they arrive, James goes to a payphone to deliver a message to the future telling that the “Army of the 12 Monkeys” wasn’t the one behind the virus. While doing that Dr. Raily sees the man who is behind the spread of the virus and recognizes him as a worker of the laboratory directed by Jeffrey’s dad. Then she calls Cole and he pursuit him across the airport disobeying the cops around until they shoot him. At the end, the movie shows you a young James Cole watching his own death, a memory he would remember all his

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